I appreciated hearing this hot take from a Gen Z'er, Mackenzie! Gen X'er here, so I've got no skin in the Gen Wars...I'm really just that popcorn meme while Boomers, Millenials, and now you guys fight it out. That said, I was having to give a quick rundown of the generations today to someone who had immigrated from China, and I found that I was hard-pressed to describe Gen Z in positive terms. I actually came to your article hoping to find my views debunked, but you echoed a lot of my own impressions! I will say that us elder kids certainly haven't done a great job at paving the way for your generation, so I can't fully blame Gen Z for some of these reactions to the world they're in. But lets hope that as time goes on and conversations about toxicity and hypocrisy get ironed out, your generation comes into its own and defines itself beyond some of the current negativity.